Gli ambienti naturali del fiume
The natural environments of the river
A tribute to my river with the words of the poet Carlo Luigi Folcia
Late Winter Landscapes
Walking along the paths of "my" river in these beautiful late winter days, I met a person I hadn't seen for a long time, he too had a camera hanging from his neck: "well, as long as there's this around his neck it's a good sign", I exclaimed pointing at the camera, and meaning by this the passion for photography...
The barrier of Roccamurata
A little further downstream from the town of Roccamurata, a large black rock, an offshoot of the imposing Groppo di Gorro above, stands in the way of the waters of the Taro, which thus find themselves facing a very tenacious intruder. The waters, not at all intimidated, have smoothed and sculpted these rocks, until they are smooth as glass,...
From Penna mount to the Po river through 100 images and 4 seasons
Winter afternoon on the river
In truth I don't meet people, but landscapes.
Prosegui qui l'esplorazione del fiume e dei suoi tesori naturali >>> Continue here the exploration of the river and its natural treasures >>>