The art of undressing


I'm tired by the little theater of the world

It is a balm for the spirit to undress, abandon the useless trappings of the civilized world and return, even if only for a few moments, to the essential, to the core, to the truth, to not being separated from life through a symbol, and the dress is a symbol. Clothing is like a word, a slogan, which we want to shout at the world to conform to pre-packaged ideas, to declare our belonging to something external and foreign to us, and the contradiction is that many call this conformism freedom, choice, personality.

It's all just a game, and we are not the players. It can be beautiful and fun until you understand it, until you misunderstand it, but in the long run it gets boring, and like a child who breaks his toy to see what's inside, he inevitably remains disappointed, because there's nothing inside, or worse . And whoever gets too lost in the game loses sight of himself. Our beloved clothes are stage costumes, often uniforms, for acting in the little theater of the world, our daily performance, symbols of an illusory individuality, sterile vanity.

Undressing is an abandonment, it is neither conformism nor anti-conformism, it is a disinterest, a looking beyond these futile diatribes, it is leaving a path that no longer interests me, because it doesn't take me anywhere, in any case certainly not where I want to go.

Undressing therefore means abandoning the stage, after having snooped behind the scenes, undressing is a reduction to the essential, rediscovering the treasure of simplicity. Learning to need as little as possible, to obtain as much as possible, that is, the mastery of one's own authenticity, contact with one's soul.

There are different ways to relate to life and its meaning, ways different from the theater of illusions and appearances, more sincere and profound, more calm and serene ways, one of these is to merge, blend with Nature, get lost in it to find yourself, experience being one with its energies, its elements.

It's a way to find your own balance, your own center of gravity.

Feeling sparkling like the water of the stream, elastic like the waving branches of a bush, intimate like the shadow of a forest, pure and warm like the sunlight, wild like the scent of moss, tactile like a river pebble, feeling Air, Earth, Water and Fire!

Simply being, like trees, sinking into the Earth and projecting towards the sky, to be a bridge of subtle energy between distant worlds, perhaps.

Now someone might object: "And what do we do with shame?"

Shame ? and of what? Look around: there is vulgarity, squalor and meanness everywhere, corruption, fraud, theft and deception everywhere, violence and abuse in broad daylight, accepted and legalised, prostitution at every level, and I'm not talking about to the physical one but to the moral one, and those who perpetuate all these obscenities walk calmly through the streets with their heads held high, often admired and revered, and I should be ashamed? and what for, sorry? Tell me please, I'm listening...

This story of shame, a bit like deceptions based on guilt, is something to review, to overcome.

Don't do evil, don't be afraid, says a famous popular saying.

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