L o g b o o k


Collection of images and literary suggestions

​"I am Darrel Standing. Very soon they will come for me to hang me. In the meantime, in these pages I will express my opinion by writing about different times and places."

from the incipit of the book The Star Wanderer by Jack London

As long as freedom of thought is not a crime, I will express my ideas and opinions, through my words, through those of other more or less famous authors and through my photographs and art in every form. Freedom is not a given, and many of us don't even know what it actually is. We are victims of a world that has emptied our lives of meaning, starting with the words themselves. Harsh attacks and pickaxes are inflicted on our freedoms on a daily basis, therefore it has now become a mission to guard and protect one's ideas and one's vision of the world, against a global and poisonous flattening that seems inexorable, but precisely... it seems! Also for these reasons, I have fenced off my opinions and my most personal experiences in a strictly reserved area (for members only), not because there is who knows what dark secret to hide, but because I don't want to have to answer to anyone, I don't want any more, at least none of this hell. The search for meaning is somewhat the objective of these pages, searching for meaning through beauty, art, poetry, reflections, through a walk, a photograph, a swim in the river; finding a center within ourselves through the practice of simple things.

On this page I collect the latest news, a sort of logbook of an imaginary journey towards a new world, and perhaps not so imaginary. I wish everyone happy browsing and thank you for your visit.

A traveller, aimlessly...

Do you like my works? Could you offer me a coffee...



"Without "chaos" there is no knowledge. Without frequent renunciation of reason there is no progress."

We live in a dark time, especially inside. We live in a dark and dangerous time, which wasn't? We live in a time of war, even if we don't see the dead around, but we can see the zoombies, all around, the dead inside.

The world today is full of abandonment experts, will it perhaps be the poetic and disastrous charm of these shreds of recent history, so much too recent, so much so as to worry us and question ourselves about our near future? Could it be the warning that these places send out to fascinate? Will our lives one day be like...

en-Red Passion


Siate orgogliosi di essere semplici peccatori, in un mondo di santi fasulli.

"Non abbiamo bisogno di templi, chiese o moschee, quelle sono invenzioni di uomini che cercano potere su altri uomini. La Natura ha creato per tutti, gratuitamente, il più bel tempio del mondo: il bosco."



What home awaits the substance that gives life to my body, once freed from the laws that keep it enslaved among human beings?

Sea portrait


A ship docked in a port is safe, but that's not what ships were built for.

An hot summer night, with a beautiful clear sky full of stars, the milky way that could be seen very well with the naked eye, and a small group of enchanted people in front of the spectacle of the smallest volcano in the world, in Romagna, on Mount Busca, at the inside the Casentinesi Forest National Park.

The ruins of the Gusaliggio manor in Val Mozzola, (in some ancient documents referred to as Gusaleggio, Gusalicchio or Sisaligio), are perhaps among the most fascinating in the Parma area, erected on a dizzying rocky spur, overlooking the Mozzola stream below. The overhang is impressive and exciting at the same time, which is why you need to be...

Do you like my works? Could you offer me a coffee... 


>>> The Aimless Traveler <<<

not I am but we are - free wild spirit - you will never have us 

all rights reserved