Wild Bucket


A corner of paradise along Trebbia river - North Italian Apennines - Piacenza province

Here is a great discovery, here is a true corner of Paradise on Earth, both for the beauty of the natural environment, Val Trebbia is beautiful everywhere, and for the atmosphere that can be felt between these bends of the river, with always friendly people, quiet, sociable, and a well-kept and welcoming stretch of river, despite the wild environment.

The naturist beach of "Secchiello Selvaggio" is managed by an association of volunteers who have made this stretch of river a small pearl hidden in the Piacenza mountains. In the oasis there is a large hut with tables and benches, a bowling green and a beach volleyball court, as well as a beautiful stretch of river with several small beaches, crystal clear water with beautiful colours, ranging from emerald green to deep blue, where you can also swim in a couple of natural lakes formed by the river, but being a natural environment it is always constantly changing, and from one year to the next things can change.

There is also a grove crossed by a path, I think this is one of the few places in Italy where you can freely walk naked for a long stretch, either directly in the river or in the thick of the woods, it is truly a place that deserves to be experienced , for me the best of those I have visited so far. It is definitely a very hippie place, and wandering around the riverbed you can also find small creative works that praise nature, freedom and love.

It is frequented by many people in the summer, including families, and even simply sitting in a corner and watching how many different people can spend days in serenity and total freedom without any problems is truly encouraging and is good for the spirit, gives hope, perhaps a a better world is truly possible, and perhaps the main ingredients for this new world are simplicity and sincerity, respect for everyone without prejudice of any kind and contact with Nature and its explosive beauty, in other words freedom.

The first day we were in this place, but calling it a "place" is honestly an understatement, we were welcomed by some members of the association, they explained a little about the environment and their activities, they gave us a brochure with some information and we understood the reason for the name "Secchiello Selvaggio": every new member who joins the community is "warmly" welcomed with buckets of frozen water !  A real "baptism" !

Personally I don't feel like providing directions to reach this paradise, we too had a bit of trouble finding it, but whoever tries hard wins, and my fear is that by advertising it too much, we end up attracting people who are at best only curious, so I wouldn't want to be the one to attract energies that are not in tune with this delicate balance. Those who are seriously motivated will not have too much difficulty finding and reaching it. Just one piece of advice, try to arrive early in the morning, otherwise you will never park!

Hats off to those who were able to create this delicate harmony, if there were places like this, perhaps people would have more opportunities to rethink the values of life and their place in this world, and they would have the opportunity to temper their spirit and own personality based on values of respect and freedom.

By clicking on the following images, you can take a look at my photos of the place and the social page of the Trebbia Nat association.

Link to the photo album

Social page Trebbia Nat